The Epic Collection 3
Epic Collection 3, The (1997)(Epic Marketing)[!].iso
acuseeme install
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Text File
118 lines
; CUSeeMe Installer © 1995 Robert Reiswig (rcr@netcom.com)
; Version 1.0 June 4, 1995
; - Original version. Thank you very much Robert.
; Version 1.1 June 4, 1995
; - Installer now creates a destination directory called "ACUSeeMe" in
; the directory that the user chooses
; - Changed the variable name "CUDir" to "InstallDir"
; - Changed ACUSeeMeVer to "1.50"
; - Minor cosmetic changes
; Version 1.2 July 6, 1995
; - Changed ACUSeeMeVer to "2.00"
; - Changed the message from "The installer will create a drawer there."
; to "The installer will create a drawer there or install into the
; existing ACUSeeMe directory."
; - Since ACUSeeMe now actually uses the reflectors.txt file, the user
; is given the option to install it.
; Current Version of ACUSeeMe
(set ACUSeeMeVer "2.01")
; Info on ACUSeeMe and Installer Man
(message "\n\nACUSeeMe V" ACUSeeMeVer "\n\n"
"Network video-conferencing tool\n\n"
"by\n\nBerend Ozceri\n(bo24@andrew.cmu.edu)\n\n"
"Original CUSeeMe © 1994, 1995 Cornell University\n"
"Amiga CUSeeMe © 1994, 1995 Berend Ozceri"
; Ask where to put it
(set InstallDir
(prompt "Please select where you wish to install\nACUSeeMe V"ACUSeeMeVer"\n"
"(The installer will create a drawer there or install into the existing ACUSeeMe directory.)")
(help "Please select where you wish to install ACUSeeMe. A directory "
"called ACUSeeMe (and an icon for it) will be created in the "
"directory selected.")
(default "Work:")
(set InstallDir (tackon InstallDir "ACUSeeMe"))
(makedir InstallDir)
(set @default-dest InstallDir)
; Double Check on the CPU, to make sure
(set cpu (database "cpu"))
(if (= cpu 68000) (set #cpu 0))
(if (= cpu 68010) (set #cpu 1))
(if (= cpu 68020) (set #cpu 2))
(if (= cpu 68030) (set #cpu 3))
(if (= cpu 68040) (set #cpu 4))
(if (> (exists ("libs:68060.library")) 0) (set #cpu 5))
(set #cpu
(choices "68000" "68010" "68020" "68030" "68040" "68060")
(prompt "Central Processing Unit Check")
(help "The ACUSeeMe binary comes in two versions; one for Amigas with "
"68000 or 68010 CPUs and one for Amigas with 68020, 68030, 68040 "
"or 68060 CPUs. Please choose the CPU type of your Amiga. The "
"correct binary will then be installed.")
(default #cpu)
; Check for old version
(if (> (exists (cat InstallDir "ACUSeeMe")) 0)
(rename (cat InstallDir "ACUSeeMe") (cat InstallDir "ACUSeeMe_old"))
(if (> (exists (cat InstallDir "ACUSeeMe.info")) 0)
(rename (cat InstallDir "ACUSeeMe.info") (cat InstallDir "ACUSeeMe_old.info"))
; Copy Correct file
(if (< #cpu 2) (copyfiles (source "ACUSeeMe_000") (dest InstallDir) (newname "ACUSeeMe") (infos)))
(if (> #cpu 1) (copyfiles (source "ACUSeeMe_020") (dest InstallDir) (newname "ACUSeeMe") (infos)))
; Copy reflectors.txt if user wants it
(set #wants-reflectors
(prompt "ACUSeeMe can read reflector aliases (i.e. a reflector name "
"and IP address pair) from the \"Reflectors.txt\" file and "
"present the user with a list of reflectors in the connect "
"window. The supplied \"Reflectors.txt\" file is a somewhat "
"up to date file of such aliases. Would you like to install "
"the \"Reflectors.txt\" file? ")
(help "")
(default 0)
(if #wants-reflectors (copyfiles (source "Reflectors.txt") (dest InstallDir) (infos)))